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Wasgij? World of Wonders!

Kód: 6042330
399 Kč –32 %
world of wonders
399 Kč –32 % 268 Kč
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Položka byla vyprodána…

1000 dílků

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A visit to the Efteling Theme Park Resort makes us all feel like children again. With enchanting rides, fairytale characters and roller coasters that will make you scream your lungs out. However, not all the visitors seem to have found the magic in the World of Wonders yet. Can Pardoes the magic Jester change that?

What will happen when Pardoes waves the Magic Twinkle Torch? This is the scene you will have to puzzle

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Wasgij
Hmotnost: 0.9 kg
? Minimální věk: 10
? Min. počet hráčů: 1
Počet dílů: 1000
Položka byla vyprodána…

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