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Lost Ruins of Arnak - desková hra

Kód: 1030047
1 499 Kč –3 %
1 499 Kč –3 % 1 449 Kč
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Lost Ruins of Arnak je anglická verze hry Ztracený ostrov Arnak!

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Lost Ruins of Arnak je anglická verze hry Ztracený ostrov Arnak!

Na neobydleném ostrově v dosud neprobádaných vodách oceánu nalezli badatelé stopy pradávné civilizace. Nyní stojíš v čele jedné z expedic, které se vydávají ostrov důkladně prozkoumat. Podaří se vám porazit mocné strážce a nalézt dávno ztracené artefakty? Ztracený ostrov Arnak neotřelým způsobem kombinuje mechaniky deck buildingu, worker placementu a resource managementu. Bude to právě tvoje expedice, které se podaří odhalit tajemství ostrova?

On an uninhabited island in uncharted seas, explorers have found traces of a great civilization. Now you will lead an expedition to explore the island, find lost artifacts, and face fearsome guardians, all in a quest to learn the island's secrets.

Lost Ruins of Arnak combines deck-building and worker placement in a game of exploration, resource management, and discovery. In addition to traditional deck-builder effects, cards can also be used to place workers, and new worker actions become available as players explore the island. Some of these actions require resources instead of workers, so building a solid resource base will be essential. You are limited to only one action per turn, so make your choice carefully... what action will benefit you most now? And what can you afford to do later... assuming someone else doesn't take the action first!?

Decks are small, and randomness in the game is heavily mitigated by the wealth of tactical decisions offered on the game board. With a variety of worker actions, artifacts, and equipment cards, the set-up for each game will be unique, encouraging players to explore new strategies to meet the challenge.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Strategické hry
? Doba hraní (minut):: 60+
? Minimální věk: 12
? Min. počet hráčů: 1
? Max. počet hráčů: 4
English board games: board game language english
jazyk: anglicky
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Lost Ruins of Arnak

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