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Love Letter (EN) - karetní hra

Kód: 6032703
549 Kč
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In a quick game of risk and deduction, can you outwit your friends and earn the trust of the noble Princess? The noble Princess is looking for an ideal partner and confidant to help with her royal duties when she one day assumes the throne.

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Detailní popis produktu

In a quick game of risk and deduction, can you outwit your friends and earn the trust of the noble Princess?

The noble Princess is looking for an ideal partner and confidant to help with her royal duties when she one day assumes the throne. You must prove your worth and gain her trust by enlisting allies, friends, and family of the Princess to carry a letter of intent to her. Can you earn the Princess’s trust and become her confidant?

Playing cards one at a time, players will use the abilities of these key people in the Princess’s life to outwit their opponents and successfully deliver their letter and gain her favor. Players must utilize each character’s special skill to avoid being caught and successfully deliver your letter to the Princess. Once a set number of favor tokens are acquired, that player will win and become the Princess’s confidant.

Contents: 21 Character Cards, 6 Reference Cards, 13 Favor Tokens, 1 Rulebook

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Karetní hry
? Doba hraní (minut):: 20+
? Minimální věk: 10
? Min. počet hráčů: 2
? Max. počet hráčů: 6
jazyk: anglicky
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