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Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game - karetní hra

Kód: 6041383
576 Kč
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Boss Monster je karetní hra inspirovaná klasickými videohrami. Každý z hráčů se stává zlým bossem podzemí a jeho úkolem je postavit ten nejlepší dungeon, kam naláká co nejvíce dobrodruhů, kteří v něm přijdou o svůj život. Hra je v angličtině.

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

Inspired by a love of classic video games, Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game pits 2-4 players in a competition to build the ultimate side-scrolling dungeon. Players compete to lure and destroy hapless adventurers, racing to outbid one another to see who can build the most enticing, treasure-filled dungeon. The goal of Boss Monster is to be the first Boss to amass ten Souls, which are gained when a Hero is lured and defeated — but a player can lose if his Boss takes five Wounds from Heroes who survive his dungeon.

Playing Boss Monster requires you to juggle two competing priorities: the need to lure Heroes at a faster rate than your opponents, and the need to kill those Heroes before they reach your Boss. Players can build one room per turn, each with its own damage and treasure value. More attractive rooms tend to deal less damage, so a Boss who is too greedy can become inundated with deadly Heroes.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Karetní hry
Hmotnost: 0.5 kg
? Doba hraní (minut):: 30
? Minimální věk: 2, 13+
? Max. počet hráčů: 4
English board games: board game language english
jazyk: anglicky
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