Heroscape: The Grove at Laur’s Edge Terrain Expansion (EN)
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Product detailed description
Nestled at the edge of Valhalla’s grand Laur Jungle, a grove of dense foliage stands, its greenery inviting yet foreboding. Though currently deserted, the impending call of battle will pierce even this tranquil haven. Whatever lurks behind the swaying branches will prove far less amicable than the trees themselves.
Build new jungle environments for your battles in Heroscape: The Grove at Laur’s Edge. Choose your scenario, build your battlefield, select your army, and fight to win! This terrain set includes 3 Laur Jungle trees, 6 Laur Underbrush pieces, and a setup guide to maximize your use of these striking new terrain features. This set is fully compatible with all Heroscape Master Sets and Expansions!
NOTE: A Heroscape Battle Box or Master Set is required for Heroscape gameplay.
Key Features:
- New Laur Jungle trees and underbrush!
- Unique locking hex-tile terrain system
- Introduces the Heroscape Terrain System product line
- Compatible with previous and upcoming Heroscape releases
- 3 Laur Jungle trees
- 6 Laur Underbrush pieces
- 1 setup guide
At a Glance:
- Ages: 14+
- Game Type: Board Game Accessory Add-on
- Players: 2+
- Game Length: Based on the chosen scenario
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