Vin Cube 2x2 Glossy M
Code: 6044164Related products

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Product detailed description
The Vin Cube 2x2 M Glossy is a magnetic 2x2 speedcube featuring a glossy exterior finish. Measuring 51mm, it offers a comfortable grip and smooth turning experience. The cube incorporates a single magnet column layout for more accurate turning and a snowflake piece design to enhance lubricant distribution. This design is reminiscent of classic 2x2 puzzles and is suitable for both beginners and advanced solvers seeking reliable performance.
Key Features:
- Glossy exterior finish for enhanced grip.
- Single magnet column layout for precise turning.
- Snowflake piece design for better lubricant distribution.
- Standard size of 51mm for comfortable handling.
The Vin Cube 2x2 M Glossy is an excellent choice for those looking to improve their solving speed or enjoy a smooth-solving experience.

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