Basketball 2x2 Number 24
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Product detailed description
The 24 Basketball 2x2 is a spherical twisty puzzle designed to resemble a traditional basketball, featuring a yellow surface with black channel lines. This unique design combines the aesthetics of basketball with the mechanics of a 2x2 puzzle, offering an engaging experience for both puzzle enthusiasts and basketball fans. The puzzle is stickerless, with the design elements directly printed onto the surface, ensuring durability and a smooth feel. Its compact size makes it a perfect addition to any collection or a thoughtful gift for admirers of the sport.
Key Features:
- Spherical 2x2 puzzle mimicking a basketball.
- Yellow surface with black channel lines for an authentic look.
- Stickerless design with UV printing for enhanced durability.
- Compact and portable, ideal for both display and play.
Experience the fusion of sports and puzzles with the YuXin 24 Basketball 2x2—a must-have for collectors and fans alike.

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