Fisching (CZ) Trick-building for 3 to 5 players!
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Product detailed description
In Štycholov, players compete over eight rounds to catch as many tricks as possible. Each card in a captured trick is worth 1 point, but be careful – the cards you win will form your hand for the next rounds! If you don’t collect enough cards, you’ll need to draw from the ocean deck, which contains stronger cards.
🔹 A groundbreaking trick-building game by Friedmann Friese!
🔹 Plan wisely – sometimes it's better to take a trick, and sometimes to let it go.
🔹 Your choices in one round will shape your strategy in the next.
🏆 Whoever collects the most points wins! But how many cards from the ocean will you need?
👥 Players: 3–5
🎂 Age: 8+
⏳ Playtime: 30 minutes
🃏 Game components are language-independent. The rulebook and player aids are in Czech.
Additional parameters
Category: | Card Games |
? Doba hraní (minut):: | 60+ |
? Minimální věk: | 8+ |
? Min. počet hráčů: | 3 |
? Max. počet hráčů: | 5 |
English board games: | board game language independent |

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